Friday, May 30, 2008


Finally I caught Eliza smiling!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very relaxing Memorial Day Weekend.
Isabel has been asking for weeks when we are going to take Halloween out of the box. She will say in her most dramatic voice that she wishes it were Halloween and Christmas today. So Ryan made her wish come true and we ended up with a few unexpected guests this weekend. Lizzie, Stanley, and Headless Harry joined us for a swim and a BBQ. The water was so warm even Liza tried out the pool briefly this weekend.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Isabel still goes to the school up the street from our house. She is the only girl in a classroom of boys. The other day I dropped her off and one of the boys looks up from his coloring and says, "hi princess." And we wonder why she likes to go to school.

The girls

I think Ryan must have taken the picture of Eliza in the box so someday when Isabel asks where babies come from he can tell her they come in the mail, with a receipt and everything. Eliza smiles a lot now, just not for the camera. But one of these days I will capture a smile. Isabel likes to "play" with the baby which usually means piling toys on top of her or trying to drag her around by her feet. I have the feeling Eliza is going to be a little tougher than Isabel.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Lunch Date

Ryan, Eliza, and I were set to meet for lunch on Friday. Ryan arrived first and commented to the hostess that they must have re-modeled the restaurant. She assured him that the only change was the podium was moved. He sat down and browsed the menu and thought wow they sure added a lot of seafood. It wasn't until he ordered his drink and decided on an entree that he realized he was at Red Lobster, not Olive Garden. I was happy that he successfully met Isabel in the backyard this weekend for their swim date. We may attempt another lunch meeting today.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I have decided to set up a blog so family and friends can see pictures of the girls. Who knows how long it will take me to master this though. Isabel loves helping out with the baby when she can. She likes to bring Eliza toys and inform me that it is time for the baby to eat.

Eliza Jane was born on April 4th at 6:49 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 21 in long. If you are wondering what I am doing these days I am either feeding the baby, getting ready to feed the baby, or just finishing up feeding the baby. And I'm pretty sure Eliza spends her days thinking,"Yum this is good", "When am I going to eat?" or "Hey where's my food?"