The haunted dining room

Where the real fun happens

2 grouchy kids at this point

Family Portrait

Let me at that candy!
Another Halloween has come and gone. I don't know if everyone is aware that Halloween is Ryan's absolute favorite day of the year. He thinks its criminal that its not a national holiday. And you know when you drive through a neighborhood and you see that one house that went all out for the occasion and you think "who on earth lives there?" Well on our street that is us. I can't possibly describe the amount of decorations we have and the time it takes to put them up. Ryan has music playing and a fog machine and of course all of our monster friends outside. He measures his success by how many kids drop their candy and run in fear. One poor kid got tangled in the cobwebs and couldn't get away fast enough. I had to take Ryan driving through the neighborhood so he could see if any houses had us beat and one did. So there are already improvement plans involving a strobe light and cemetary. The competiton is on for next year.
And the girls. Well Isabel talks a big game about going Trick-or-Treating but when it comes down to it she is just too shy. She hides behind me and won't even take any candy. We just go to a few neighbors. This year our famous puker Liza managed to spit up on Isabel's costume so she demanded we take the costume off RIGHT NOW. Never mind that we were in our neighbor's entryway. Isabel prefers to watch when the kids come to our house. And I must admit, it is quite a show. Now the big clean-up begins.