Thursday, April 30, 2009





We finished this project a long time ago. I've just been lazy with the photos plus its harder than I would have thought to take pictures of a bathroom. This one is the guest bathroom upstairs. Ryan is becoming a pro at this stuff.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Summer has Begun

Even though the official start of summer is a couple of months away, we decided to kick things off early down here. We heated up the pool and had a BBQ for Ryan's birthday. Ryan's gift....Guitar Hero. We may be the last people on Earth to have acquired it but we are making up for lost time. I have new found respect for guitar players. I miss 1/2 the notes and I'm sober. We are not gifted in musical ability. The only instrument I have ever played is the recorder back in grade 4. I did a mean Hot Cross Buns. And Isabel thinks the guitar is a violin. But fun is had by all.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

carrots and milk for the bunny

So the Easter Bunny went to bed really early last night. Good thing Ryan thought to lure him to our house with a plate of carrots and some milk this morning. Ryan spotted him hopping down our driveway shortly after putting out the treats. Isabel found her basket in the dryer. Poor bunny is out there hopping around in the rain now.

Speaking of the Easter Bunny, I once had a patient at the Osawatamie State Hospital who thought he was the Easter Bunny. He signed all of his paperwork E. Bunny. It wasn't him that we spotted in our driveway, thank goodness.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Liza's First Birthday


My present from Gramma Bear

My favorite activity

All tuckered out

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fargo Flood

Here is a link to a good youtube video showing pictures of the Fargo flood. For many of my friends this will bring back memories of Grand Forks in '97.
click here

All About Liza

The first picture of me being 1

A little light reading

All About Liza on her Birthday

Favorite Toy: mom's car keys

Fovorite Game: putting things in/taking things out

Favorite Food: pancakes or waffles

I could win a trophy for: Most Bald Baby

I am famous in my family for: pooping in the bathtub

Favorite Activity: eating

Favorite place to go: down the slide at the park

Cutest Feature: the gap between my two front teeth