Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Miss Manners

Isabel wanted her party at the same place she had it last year. She was so polite when she opened presents. She would look for the card and read that first then open the presents and say thanks. Last night when she got her package from Aunt Mandy the first thing she said was, "Oh Mom, we'll have to write her a letter."

I don't know where she gets these manners from.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Look who's 6

I wish for peace, no make that 5 minutes of peace from Liza

6 things about Isabel on her 6th Birthday

1. She wants to be a vet when she grows up.
2. She loves to read.
3. For as girly as she is, she will smash bugs with her bare hand.
4. She knows more about the pool equipment than I do.
5. She talks about her relatives up in ND year round and sets out pictures of her cousins when she plays.
6. She has seen every episode of icarly, twice.

Friday, June 11, 2010

First Week of Summer Break

Well our first full week of summer break is coming to a close. We packed alot into this week. Some of it fun (Isabel's birthday party) and some of it not so fun (getting the carpets cleaned.) Liza got her first haircut on Wednesday. She was very good. She won't tolerate anything in her hair for more than 5 minutes so we had to trim the fluff out of her eyes. It seemed wrong to chop off something she has been growing for 2+ years. But it was time to move from the mullet to the shag. She's really into retro 'dos. She's done the mohawk, the mullet, and now the Carol Brady shag. Maybe the Rachel will be next or perhaps she'll resurrect the Dorothy Hammill. The girls also did some baking and swimming this week and Isabel had her dance recital rehearsal. I'll just post the haircut photos for now with more photos to come later.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

So long kindergarten

Isabel made it through her first year of big school. Her favorite part: meeting new friends. Her least favorite part: school lunches. She loved reading, art, and writer's workshop. She was known as the diva of her class due to her love of pink and her closet full of dresses. We are looking forward to a relaxing summer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The 1st Annual Yankee Crawfish Boil

Well there's nothing like playing with your food. Ryan made a run to the grocery store and saw people lined up to get fresh crawfish so he decided he better get some too. Problem was we didn't realize they would be alive. The girls had fun playing with them but didn't eat them. We have found one of the only foods Liza won't eat.