Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

It took a few attempts to get a family photo. Take 1, missing a couple people. Take 2, someone is wearing a grouchy face. Take 3, this one has to work because Liza is maxed out on how long she will be still.

Christmas Eve

Oh the excitement of Christmas. The girls did some baking with grandma to pass the time until present opening began. Then they dug into the gifts. Cute cat hats from grandma and grandpa. Doll accessories, Barbie furniture, it just kept getting better. Cuddly blankets from Grandma Bear. Wait what's this? Cute packages from Aunty Mandy. Can't wait to see what's in here. This is going to be good. WHAT THE.....why would aunt Mandy send me a toaster. I think I'll hide behind the couch and holler. "Hey Liza, what's your favorite gift?" NONE!!!!!! Maybe Santa will remember that you don't like toasters. Although you did hug a certain stuffed monkey and play with a certain doll.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Blame It On the Cats

They claim the cats keep getting into the presents. Hmmmm.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas programs

The girls had their school Christmas programs last week. Isabel's class sang and danced. Liza was a shepherd in her program.

Saturday, December 1, 2012