Sunday, August 17, 2008


We have developed a serious addiction to our wii. Ryan and Isabel went out hunting for one last night and were successful after 2 hours and 7 stores. Now we just have to find the wii fit. So you know what we have been doing all weekend. That and lounging in the pool. After floating in the pool for hours I can understand why waterbeds were invented.

Liza has discovered her toes, her voice, and how to roll over.

Isabel's quote of the week: "Mom I understand you, I'm just not listening."

The pictures are from our trip up north. You'll notice everyone had to take their turn holding Liza. That bag sitting on the counter is all Ryan packed for 10 days! Amazing.

10 days worth of stuff is crammed in here

horsin' around

grandpa and Liza

auntie Mandy and Liza

grandma and Liza

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