Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Day Off

Liza had a fever yesterday so I took a much needed day off to stay home with her. She still wakes up happy as a clam. Today is her lucky day because she has free reign over Isabel's toys, at least until school is out.

Some funny stories from work:

My co-teacher was trying to explain the meaning of the word "literal" to her kids. Her kids hear us describe our students with autism as being very literal. So my co-worker is trying all kinds of ways to explain and finally says its when something is black and white. Her 1st grade daughter says, "oh I get it mom. Its like my friend Hannah. She's both black and white. She's brown so she's literal."

I have a student who is obseessed with fashion. He was sharing his observations on skinny jeans, mainly that more girls than boys wear them. His hypothesis: Boys don't wear them as much because they are tight and might hurt your cuticles.

Ha Ha

1 comment:

HANA said...


Just dropped by for a while..What a lucky mom you are...and what a cute baby..mmm...