Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dancing Queen

Isabel had her first dance recital on Saturday. I had no idea it would be such a production. There were about 100 dancers plus moms, dads, grandmas, etc. I was thinking it would last 45 minutes....2 hours later we were just about ready to leave. When it was Isabel's turn, the music starts and the other girls in her group get into 1st position. Not Isabel, she just stands there so Ryan and I were deciding which one of us would go get her off stage when all of a sudden she danced the entire dance. She really liked it. In the car she wanted to know the date of her next 'cital. Thanks to Almas for enduring the whole 2+ hours and being our photographer so we could chase Liza (who will have no problems performing on stage.)

Congratulations Isabel!!!!

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